Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Room To Grow: Remade

Well, isn't this blog dusty! I'm sure a lot of you (all of you) thought I was gone forever, and that Room To Grow was dead but alas, I am back. Now, about this whole remake thing. I have decided to completely remake RTG, enhancing effects, graphics, etc... With this I hope to make the game feel more like an actual game and I still haven't decided weather or not to monetize it, but I will get to that when I need to. Secondly, I would like to say that this time, I plan to follow the game through, although game development will be a bit slower this time.

In this new version of Room To Grow,  Room To Grow: Remade (RTG:R), I have gone ahead and added fireballs (which, in my opinion, look about a 1000X better) and enemies, which have a new 'eye' like thing, which shows the front of the enemy and what type of damage it will deal. Below are some pictures and a few videos.

The videos in this post are from a new series on my youtube channel about the development of this game, which I recommend as the video is posted before this devblog. But for all of you who prefer to read a post instead of watching a video, this is the place for you

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New RTG Logo

So with Alpha 1 I decided to make a new logo for the game. Here it is:
Tell me what you guys think!
Oh and also, I did go through with the patch and I fixed the few day one bugs. If you find anything else please tell me!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Alpha One

I know, I know, it has been a month. I was busy for a lot of it and then came back and started working on other things, but in the last week I have returned to Room To Grow. I have worked as much as possible and am at an amazing stage: Alpha. Completing A1 has been the most work I have done in a week as I have ever done on a game and it has paid off. I do not want to spoil some of what added, but some a few examples are:
+A new enemy
+A new weapon
+UI overhall
+Leveling up
+Level 4
But I am going to stop here. Enjoy this video though and a picture or two and please, try out RTG.
To download the game, go here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

PA 3.0

Welcome back everyone! Room To Grow 3 is finally out! I could go on and on about the update, but I see no reason for that, so lets just cut to the chase. I added level 3, particle and light effects, and, my personal favorite, a bomb! The bomb, which is used by pressing the f key, causes enemies to not only slow down, but take 2 points of damage as well! The bomb does, however,  come at the cost  of camera zoom. Now instead of talking all about how there will be bugs, I'm just going to post a random picture of a bomb in the air and be done, so I'll see you guys next time!

+Level 3
+Light effects to enemies
+Particle effects to enemies
+FOV bomb
~Fixed loading to wrong level
~Fixed respawning to wrong level
~Made healthbar prettier
~Fixed more bugs


Sunday, January 24, 2016

PA 3.0 Thus Far

Hey everyone! In case you haven't heard, I have been quite sick recently, and this is why development stopped so suddenly, but I am back! I finally got over it and began development in earnest once again today and, although it's not an update just yet, I wanted to talk a bit about what I am working on.

For a while now, people have been asking me for a radar... and I have been avoiding putting one in. Today I added lights and particles to the enemies so that you can get a better idea of where they are before they kill you, so we will see if that helps. If not, I might break down and put a radar of some sort. Other than lights and particles, I implemented level 3 and an ice follower chaser guy AND broke the save system at the same time! Yay for me! Anyway, I'll fix the save problem tomorrow when I get the chance and possible release PA 3.0. If anyone reading this is a mac user, you can finally download the game after the update as well, as I will be adding mac support. Thank you all for reading, I will post the picture below!

Ignore the fact that you can't really see much of the new stuff in this picture.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I will probably also start work on a better Health bar tomorrow as the current one is a little weird.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Room To Grow PA2

Hello everyone! Room to grow 2.0 is finished!
Before you play the game, please realize that the UI is still in the works, and I am still tweaking the save system a lot. To load a game, or to even start the game, click on the button that says "You are on level __". If you wish to start over after completing the game, click "Delete Memory", which wipes your XML file. Currently there is only 2 levels, but you can at least see the save mechanic in use.

Here is the download link:

Thanks to anyone who plays the game, and if you encountered any unlisted bugs when you play, please post a comment here or on my subreddit ( so that I can fix them in the patch.

I have had a few questions about the plans for this game, so I would like to clear a few things up now. First off, let me say that I do not play on Room To Grow costing money, as it is my first real game. I simply plan for Room To Grow to be free and downloadable, although I hope to add an optional cost for the game, so that it is easier to donate. If I get enough donations I will pay for an actual website/forums, although I am trying to only expand from money I get from my games, donations or other.

Here is the complete changelog for RTG PA2:
+Added Level 2
+AI path finding
+Added Ice projectile
+Added Ice enemy
+Ice enemy drops ice gun pickup
+Added Ice gun
+Added slow effect to ice
+Added Ice particle effects
~Fixed the time freezing bug
~Fixed fireball spinning around before it disappears
~Fixed point pickups(yellow spheres) not giving points
~Fixed gamestart error

Here is the complete list of bugs:
~Enemies go up on y axis
~Main menu is glitchy
~Level 2 only has one required score(Should be 10)

-1 + 2 selects weapon (Fire + ice)
-WASD move
-Space fire