Tuesday, April 12, 2016

New RTG Logo

So with Alpha 1 I decided to make a new logo for the game. Here it is:
Tell me what you guys think!
Oh and also, I did go through with the patch and I fixed the few day one bugs. If you find anything else please tell me!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Alpha One

I know, I know, it has been a month. I was busy for a lot of it and then came back and started working on other things, but in the last week I have returned to Room To Grow. I have worked as much as possible and am at an amazing stage: Alpha. Completing A1 has been the most work I have done in a week as I have ever done on a game and it has paid off. I do not want to spoil some of what added, but some a few examples are:
+A new enemy
+A new weapon
+UI overhall
+Leveling up
+Level 4
But I am going to stop here. Enjoy this video though and a picture or two and please, try out RTG.
To download the game, go here: https://fireking883.itch.io/room-to-grow-