Sunday, January 24, 2016

PA 3.0 Thus Far

Hey everyone! In case you haven't heard, I have been quite sick recently, and this is why development stopped so suddenly, but I am back! I finally got over it and began development in earnest once again today and, although it's not an update just yet, I wanted to talk a bit about what I am working on.

For a while now, people have been asking me for a radar... and I have been avoiding putting one in. Today I added lights and particles to the enemies so that you can get a better idea of where they are before they kill you, so we will see if that helps. If not, I might break down and put a radar of some sort. Other than lights and particles, I implemented level 3 and an ice follower chaser guy AND broke the save system at the same time! Yay for me! Anyway, I'll fix the save problem tomorrow when I get the chance and possible release PA 3.0. If anyone reading this is a mac user, you can finally download the game after the update as well, as I will be adding mac support. Thank you all for reading, I will post the picture below!

Ignore the fact that you can't really see much of the new stuff in this picture.

Oh, and I forgot to mention, I will probably also start work on a better Health bar tomorrow as the current one is a little weird.

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